The customer had various processes that required employees to log in to systems for example to vet customer data or to systems to perform resets, installations and running of scripts in order to create accounts and reset radio equipment. The manual processing for CEEs would take an average of 4 mins while the resetting of radio equipment would require the physical presence of engineers


Techno Brain deployed attended and unattended BOTs that would log into all systems and display them in one screen in the case of CEEs and reduced the time taken by 60s freeing more time for the CEEs. In the case of engineers, the whole process of resetting radio equipment was handled by BOTs while the creation of new SIPs was handled by BOTs freeing up engineers to handle other meaningful work


Probotics has enabled Jambojet to reduce its revenue reconciliation from 12 hours to less than 1 hour for its 50+ ticketing centres globally. Other benefits includes increased transparency of revenue collections, Anywhere Access, and Multi Channel communication. Reduction in the time taken to vet customers requesting various services by 60s translating to 161 hours daily Operational Efficiency and improved access to the customer operations team translating to less customer drop offs hence better customer experience Saved Man hours: The automated reset of Remote Radio Units increased efficiency saving 3 man hours daily

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