Public Finance Management

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IFMIS Consultants

Techno Brain’s Public Finance Management solutions provide Public Sector Organizations with comprehensive solutions whose functionalities include automation of core activities, efficient operations, transparency and an increase in productivity.

The solutions also assist in meeting complex regulatory, budgetary, and grant compliance requirements for effective accountability and service delivery.

This is key in:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Cash Flow Regulation
  • Budget and Grant Compliance
  • Enhanced Citizen Services
  • Fiscal Transparency
  • Document Security

Accountability > Profitability

How any Government chooses to use Public Finance can have a huge impact in the economy, distribution of income and wealth (income redistribution) and on the efficiency of markets.

Techno Brain has worked with Governments across East, South and West Africa to ensure the central and local governments offer its citizens and businesses quality and reliable infrastructure, services and facilities through our Public Finance Management Solutions.


Kwale County increases revenue with RMS

The over-riding determination that drives the business is the regulatory …

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Integrated Management Information System for National Parks

As a system, TripsTM is a robustly integrated and comprehensive tax application, bringing tax procedures online and making the system fast and easy to use for both revenue officers and customers.

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Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) Ethiopia

It is described as an integrated Public Financial Management system being implemented by the Federal Government of Ethiopia through the Ministry of Finance. IFMIS aims to improve Public Financial Management System and transparency across Federal Ministries, Agencies, Regions, City administration, Zones, and Woredas.

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Integrated Management Information System for National Parks

Financial Management System Enhances Visibility Across National Parks and Streamlines Revenue

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